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Advantage Flea Treatment for Cats - FAQs
1. How quickly does Advantage Flea Treatment for Cats start working?
Advantage starts killing fleas within 12 hours of application, providing fast relief for your cat. It's designed to stop fleas before they can bite, keeping your cat comfortable and itch-free.
2. How long does one application of Advantage last?
Each dose of Advantage provides up to 4 weeks of continuous flea protection. Just one easy monthly application keeps fleas at bay, making it convenient to maintain your cat’s protection year-round.
3. Is Advantage safe to use on kittens?
Yes, Advantage Flea Treatment is safe for kittens 8 weeks of age and older. As long as your kitten weighs at least 1 kg, you can use Advantage to protect them from fleas.
4. Can Advantage be used on indoor cats?
Absolutely! Even indoor cats can be exposed to fleas brought in on clothing or other pets. Advantage is a great preventative treatment, whether your cat stays indoors or has access to the outdoors.
5. Can I bathe my cat after applying Advantage?
It’s best to wait at least 24 hours after applying Advantage before bathing your cat. Once absorbed, the treatment remains effective, even if your cat gets wet, providing ongoing protection against fleas.